Today we woke up, had breakfast, and headed to the KFC Yum! Center for our first service. Harbour (a band of Trevecca graduates) led the worship and will continue to do so for the rest of the week.
Rick Rigsby delivered the message on "Image". He urged students not to think of their image in worldly goods like clothes in a closet rather think of your spiritual image and how much time you spend with God. His hope was that he and we would live with an "empty closet and a tattered bible." His telling of meeting his wife, marrying, and her death touched the group. He said the preacher of her funeral used her tattered bible as a marker of the success of her life.
After the service, we boarded our bus for Farmdale Church of the Nazarene and ate boxed turkey sandwich lunches on the way. At Farmdale, we helped Pastor Arnie and his wife children's Pastor Faith with their VBS and at their retirement homes. The groups in VBS led children around, led games, helped in crafts, and helped with registration. The groups who went to the retirement home played games with the residents, performed music and pantomime for the residents, and helped with chores around the facility.
Leaving Farmdale, we ate Chick-fil-A on the way to the hotel. After a brief time to change, we headed back out to the second session at the Yum Center. For this service we sat on the floor. Gabriel and Jeanette Salguero spoke about the "Kingdom". They spoke about the Kingdom not having racism, sexism, classism, or any prejudices and that in the Kingdom, we win because love always wins.
After the service, we had a brief intermission and moved to the balcony for the concert.
Lecrae was the first concert of the week, and the students really enjoyed it. They definitely did not want it to end.
When we got back to the hotel, we talked about the services and projects that we did during the day. Tanner and his third grandma (Jean) killed at cornhole, and Caleb is good at bingo - who knew? Joey also asked the students and adults for their reactions to the services and how they will bring the Kingdom to their communities.